The mayor of Varanasi has demonstrated robust sense of patriotism and national pride by boycotting Queen's baton ceremony ceremony.

The Mayor aptly recalled that the freedom fighters had fought against the colonial British rule that is represented by Queen baton. He also aptly stated that commonwealth symbolizes the imperialist legacy.

It is worth recalling that Common Wealth is nothing but a federation of ex colonies of Britain. Membership of commonwealth is nothing but a mark of allegiance to the British crown even though symbolically.

It is appropriate time that India quit commonwealth and break totally from the colonial hangover. Membership of commonwealth is national shame. It is worth notice that head of commonwealth is invariably the British crown. The diplomatic representatives within the commonwealth are designated as High commissioners and not ambassadors as technically, the countries are not independent but part of British empire even though symbolically.

Members may kindly give their considered views.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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