These are the words of Benjamin Franklin.In India the unity of the country is being seriously challenged like never before.What are your thoughts?
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The unity of India is challenged as we give more importance to the linguistic, ethnic, religious and other differences rather than the common nationality and common needs of all. The first step in direction of national unity is to work for peace, progress and happiness of entire people and disregard the differences in caste, creed, religion etc. But the vote bank politics is the biggest obstacle in this context.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A very good point made,Gulshan! We must try to rise above all these narrowness in terms of caste,language etc. to strengthen national unity which is the need of the hour.
Nobody is perfect. We all know that and nobody here is trying to justify each and everything. We have to look only from the overall perspective.

I am not very clear about what you precisely meant.Can you elaborate?
@GUlshan, you have made a very good point here!! It is the obstacles such as these caste and religious beliefs that are hampering the growth of our country!! Also, it is bad enough that the very politicians who fuel such beliefs and rifts are only thinking about their own personal gains and vote banks to remain in power!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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