
While choosing topics we have not been giving freater attention in running thread covering issues which are relevant to these countries.I have just read that our international traffic has declined this month.What do you think?
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That's absolutely true. One way can be by posting US based news topics here.

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Good Morning to all my friends!

Particularly the US which accounts for sizable international traffic on a consistent basis.
@Chinmoy this is a good idea!! For some time we can concentrate our discussions mainly on these two sectors!!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Chinmoy- Most of our topics relate to games or just past time exercises. These may raise points but not help in boosting revenue. We need to be more serious and select only significant burning issues and topic for discussion. These may include international affairs, human rights, cinema, sports, entertainment etc. As we live in India, it may be difficult to write on matters relevant only to U.S.A. and U.K. but we may write more on matters of common interest. Tourist information may be an item of interest to them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I completely agree with you.Most of the matters covered in various threads mostly relate which I don't think are effective in fetching traffic.
I agree with Gulshan's view that it is difficult to post in depth news about US or UK as we live in India.But we can post about events,elections,sports,movies etc happening in US and UK which will be more interesting.
I do agree that sitting in India it's not possible to have a first-hand account of the news and events happening in the US but the issues which have a bearing on India are well discussed in various newspapers and journals in India and we can give our views based on those and in this age of internet the relevant information can be gathered using it.
Yes, sitting in India it may be difficult to handle international news.But we can have discussions on international matters after happening them also.

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Such discussions are rare and participation too is thin.
placing international news willt be a uniqueness for our site.. lets focus on someother internationally focussed topics.. if news are to be posted.. time is also a factor.. post as soon as possible..

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