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Please share any ideas which i have missed in my article.
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That's an excellent and very detailed article Meean!! I don't think you have missed anything!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

You have done your best to write this article..

Very very straight forward views given, I don't think so, anything is missing.

I would also like to add, that the images submitted in this article are really awesome and definitely inspires one to keep their house clean like this..

Thanks for sharing your valuable views.

Aastha Gupta
Whenever we use any thing, we must throw the waste item like wrappers immediately in waste paper basket outside room. Then the room will be clean all the time. It makes no sense first making the room dirty with food remains, wrappers etc and then cleaning. There should be nothing left to clean than dust. So just cleaning room of dust once or twice a day will suffice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, Meean...It is a very good article.I will try to practice them in my new house.

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Cleaning your home not only makes it shine like new and more hygienic but the process itself provides you with adequate physical exercise to keep you fit and healthy. It can be the positive point that you can meditate upon to prepare yourself to start and finish the arduous cleaning projects and its innumerable chores. Start cleaning your house with a positive attitude and you will find that you can actually enjoy the whole thing. Remember that you are doing the cleaning to give yourself an organized, tidy and sanitary environment and safe and healthy place to live in to your family. Taking help from the family members and even children will help you spend quality time with them.
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