Hi friends,

Today I got an email from the webmaster of www. houseofmemory.com website. They want me to give link from my Blog to their site; for a period of 1 and half year. For this they will pay me via Paypal.

What price should I charge for this ??
And what is the guarantee that they will pay me ??
Whether this will effect my Blog ranking in Google ??

Can anyone please guide me in this matter ...
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1. I dont think it will effect your site ranking as long as the other website contains illegal content.
2. I can tell you how much you can charge, if you could provide the details of your website like page views per month, number of unique visiters per day etc.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Hey! First of all congrats for the offer...I suggest you few things!

1. Don't get scared of putting his link on your website; it's not at all going to affect your website ranking and there is no harm of doing so as there is no money involved of yours.

2. Put his link on your website and wait for the payment; if it does not come in 15-20 days, then simply remove the link...simple.

3. Now about charges-just as a thumb rule you should charge
$1.00 per month for your PR 1 site
$2.00 per month for your PR 2 site
$5.00 per month for your PR 3 site
$8.00 per month for your PR 4 site
$15.00 and more per month for PR 5 and more
Also, you can decide on the unique visitors per month to your site; but for back links Page rank is more relevant as search engines will give more credit to PR.

Another important thing is that you can tell him about the relevance of putting his links to your site in terms of relevant contents, your site's age, no. of back links you have (it affects your PR in coming months) and over all concept and plan of your site.

All the best; for further queries, please write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
which is your blog .. ??

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Thanks a lot Shashank...

I think you have lots of experience in internet marketing !!
just wondering if we could have the address.. wanna see your blog :huh:
arey it wil not effect ur ranking
charge ur own actually ranking wil not effect if there are ilelegal contents in ur blog
Why don't you share your blog address even after all the above enquiries?

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