Coming on the heels of a thoroughly inglorious performance by the local court of Bhupal on the Bhupal Gas Tragedy the details of which are already known to you,the report appearing in the national press on how the villain-in-chief, the Chairman of Union Carbide Mr Anderson was allowed to escape would send a chill down your spine.The then chief minister Mr. Arjun Singh was instructed by a mysterious voice from New Delhi to arrange a special plane to fly Mr. Anderson out of the country and the pilot of plane claimed to have seen policemen saluting Mr.Anderson while boarding the plane.Cry countrymen,Cry!!!
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The grand escape was planned and executed with great meticulousness by the people wielding the highest authority at that time.The people must know who were the traitors involved in this sordid act.
It is not really hard to find out why he was allowed to escape and how and who managed it!!
Unthinkable amounts of money must have definitely changed hands to let Anderson escape!! It is indeed time for us to cry as a nation for we are heading right into great black abyss of injustice!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This looks like unfolding of one of the most shameful scandals in independent India which calls for a thorough probe.The judiciary too has to redeem itself to restore its image which has taken a huge beating.
India got independence under an act of parliament by British House of commons and continued the colonial heritage even after 'independence'. Membership of Commonwealth also points out to fake independence. Even now our ruling circles are slaves of former rulers. Naturally, they allowed escape to Mr. Anderson.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Our former prime minister Mr. Rajeevji's name also heard behind the great indian escape act of Mr. Andersan... Too pathetic
Well, Shalu, Rajiv Gandhi was the person who allowed him to escape! Just before Arjun Singh engineered his escape, he had a secret meeting with Rajiv Gandhi! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think it's most unfortunate that a former Prime Minister's name has figured in this scandalous act.Let wait for the result of the probe.
Is that an unfortunate coincidence that the same PM's name keeps appearing in shameful incidents???? Whatever the actual truth maybe, we can be sure the ultimate truth will be suppressed! :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

If this is true it is really sad as this has been done at the cost of atleast 15000 lives. Very shameful politics on part of than Government which also happens to be the present one.

This has made one thing easy that is whom to not vote during next elections.

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Dear chinmoy This is India and you can not get answer of your every WHY and HOW.
Either accept it or try to change it.
thats al
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