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I also couldn't understood. I think they have used this like a discussion forum.
I too didn't understand.

I think some are just spamming the site. Boddunan should take immediate action for those activities.

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I could understand neither the articles nor the comments. I don't think that mere listing of web sites is an article. naturally, as there is no article worth name, the comments are similar.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

nike air jordan????? what does it mean?????

Hope there should be very strict reaction taken by moderators regarding this!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think they are some games sites and people fond of playing online games can go through the sites.
Hmmm good observation hope this is corrected or deleted soon.

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This looks like a listing for online games websites! WHY and HOW was this published???

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes the article is about game site list and the comments are related to some shoe sites...which are meaningless... First and last comment is somewhat related..????Hope these comments are not given points?
The comments are given by non frequent members. The contents is ok and it is already ok with the editors anyway. but the comments are some what weired so I mentioned here.
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