Is US culture better than Indian culture ?

Santosh Kumar Singh


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1.Indians are very much family oriented, the Americans are individual oriented.
2.Indians respect family values. On the other hand, in American culture ,the individual values gets prominence than the family values.
3.Indians are more competitive than the Americans.
4.Americans have great regard to time and its value. On the other hand, Indians are a lazy lot.
In my opinion our Indian culture is the best when compare to any other foreign or western culture.
It all depends on individual perceptions.

But basically, I think Indian culture is far better as there is family bonding, as a result of which, there are less tensions and less heart diseases.

Also, with a rich culture and traditions , we have proper guidance and realise the importance of upholding the values of pur forefathers...
Our culture is a few thousand years old and has the pride of influencing other new emerging cultures.So what is known as American culture has been there for not more than a few hundred years.America is a country which is known as the melting pot of so many other cultures.But what marks it out from other is the primacy it gives to individual freedom and liberty.
Indian culture is the best.Nowadays western countries are trying to follow our culture and we are heading towards them. Family system is the most significant thing in our culture.
Culture is just a way of living. We cannot say what is better. This is a matter of what suits. U.S. culture is good to those whom this suits. If some body is comfortable with Indian culture, this is best for him. Human living is most significant and not culture that an individual adopts consciously or unconsciously by accident of birth in a particular society or country or otherwise.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Any claim to cultural superiority is a bit illogical and openeness in the matter of accepting the good things about another cultural is always desirable.The culture what we call Indian is also the product of influences of various cultures over some thousand years and it is not static but dynamic.
Right chinmoy- Our culture is composite. U.s, culture is also composite as many ethnic groups are settled there. Thus, diversity is common theme between U.s. and Indian culture.

Secondly, many of our customs like Purdah are drawn from medieval ages. Our ancient culture was more open and comparable to modern U.S. culture. The dress of shakuntala and her friends in Kalidas novel is similar to Hollywood movie heroines.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Every culture has its own pros and cons. It would be quite unfair to say that one culture is better than another culture!
While Indian system does focus more on family relationships, family values, respect to elders etc. US culture is more about individual freedom and liberty. In Indian system, high importance given to the elders of the family very often results in low self-esteem of the younger lot and their opinions and knowledge may be ignored.
In US more focus is on making the children learn to think for themselves and to become more self-reliant and independent. On the downside, after the Second World War, this trend of individual freedom has gained unnecessary importance and now the family system in US is miserably floundering with more and more families being dysfunctional. This has resulted in increasing psychological problems in children with increased drug abuse.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

We should be proud about our own culture.If other cultures have good values adopt them if it does not alter our own one.

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