Now a days destruction of public property has become a popular medium for showing grievances. It is an act of vandalism. People protest by burning trains, buses, buildings.Is it a right way???

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patna_fire_train313.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
busburning.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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Any one who possess a simple bicycle knows how much it cost.So a train or bus burning and making our nation's wealth is really very bad.Severe punishment to the leaders and doers is the way to stop it.

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Burning of public property fora any reason is heinous. Personally, I dislike bandhs and strikes even as these disrupt public life. I suggest that personal property of such persons be confiscated as a punishment for destroying public property.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a real shame for the people committing this...
According to me, this is equal to committing crime.
Even if these are the public properties, they donot have any right to destroy it..
This is no good way to protest.. If they wanna protest they should cause harm to themselves but not to others' property...
I am highly against it..

Aastha Gupta
THis is grossly unethical and illegal!! The very reason these acts are committed repeatedly are because the perpetrators can get away easily! THese people adn especially the ones who instigate such actions should be severely punished! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It is an act to be condemned always regardless of any reason for which it is done. Sometimes the politicians itself are encouraging these kind of things. I think only in India, these kind of things happen much.
This kind of mindless acts of vandalism should be dealt with sternly but the saddest part of it,is that it enjoys the patronage of one political party or the other!
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