What is your opinion about public-private partnership in education?Will it lead to privatisation and commercialisation of education using public funds?

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A good topic Abid. I feel that it can improve the infrastructure and the other facilities in schools. On the negative side, it may lead to an increase in fee structure if privatised which will affect the poor poeople.

My fear is that, the education sector will be reserved for only riches.

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It is a very widely debated topic.We have already seen the seamy side of it.I agree with Abid's apprehension. The very concept of public and private has a ring of contradiction within itself.How private greed could be reconciled with public good I don't understand and not at all convinced.
Yes the topic is good and i agree with @Meean comment. The standards of education will also improve.
Private participation has been allowed in the field of education but the results are not encouraging.Many of the private engineering colleges are proving to be sharks.
But we can start something like the public private partnership. Say the village private partnership. In a way this would work wonders if we could convince the village or the group of villages to make a small project(say like solar lighting) and implement the same.
Education must not be run on commercial lines. The aim should be to provide free and uniform education. All educational institutions should be run by government or educational trusts on no profit no loss basis. The government should reimburse to the educational institutions cost of education including staff and managerial salary. The current education is creating an elite class from the very childhood. This must be stopped.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan is right. Every child is eligible for equal and fair education. Our education system requires a sea change. In that case US education system is quite an example. The importance to students rights is taken care very well there.

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I think there should a competition between private and government education institutions in quality.Now private institutions are more equipped while government on ill equipped.So all those who have money prefer private one while poor man has to depend the ill equipped always.

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Privatization is important for the growth of country... but in some fields... Not all the fields should be privatized.
Present, we are having an issue regarding the privatization of the air travel!!!!!!

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