
Our mind is one of the most important parts of our system and we need to constantly nurse and nurture it with reason and logic and it is my firm belief the regions of our minds which are not cultivated properly give birth to dangerous and failed ideas.What do you think?
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I agree. A sane person will never go to extreme. The extreme is generally impractical and real solutions are in the moderate area.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,when we are able to see things in the light of reason and logic then only we can take rational stand on issues.
Reason and logic implies that every action and its reaction is well thought upon keeping in view the consequences that may result, while extremism is based upon blind faith, thinking from only one's own point of view.

therefore, what you said is very true!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks Kalyani for your views.What I want to emphasize here is the need to develop a rational temper to bring all our thoughts under logical scrutiny.
Chinmoy- I agree. Rational temper is all that we need for eradicating all ills. Most of the violence- communal, caste, ideological is a consequence of emotionalism and irreationality.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Gulshan!

You are spot on!I was seeking exactly this direction to this debate.
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