Great Bernard Shaw once referring to a woman commented, "She has lost the art of conversation,but not unfortunately,the power of speech".What an eloquent comment. Do give your own interpretive views on it.
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I think what he had in mind was the apparent contrast lying between the two- a great conversation from a deafening shout!
What a thought-provoking comment!
It is obviously the art of conversation.. All have the power of speech, but only some have the art of conversation ( which is also a contributing factor for success in life)
It is obviously the art of conversation which helped many people to achieve greater heights in their life.
That is precisely what distinguishes a typical speechifying politician from Shiv Kheras and like!
The art of conversation obviously is more appealing, that's because it requires good listening skills and exchange of ideas whereas power of speech does not!!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Art of speaking may be monologue. Conversation necessarily involves listening also. Listening needs more patience. Hence art of conversation is superior to that of speech.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Whenever I get an opportunity to listen to an intelligent piece of conversation I just grow silent to appreciate the beauty of it.
Chinmoy- This is real wisdom. It is aptly said- speech is silver, silence is gold.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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