has women of india got independence or not ?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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Why you have a doubt? Indian women enjoy independence in many fields.

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No, not all women are independent and the divide is not limited to any class or region but all over India. Even though a woman may work and be a breadwinner she is still bound to the wishes of a man in the family, a husband or a father or even a brother.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

That's a good question. Even though there are given independence in the society, they can only enjoy it if they get it in their family too.

I think after marriage women not feel freedom due to more responsibilities.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I don't think the average lot of an Indian woman has improved that much.Ours was a male dominated society and still it is.
You only seen cities women just point out villages condition. What women's condition their.

Santosh Kumar Singh



santosh, the condition of women in cities and villages is not very different though the issues surrounding them differ in nature!

women in cities have become economically independent whereas women in villages are not, though they largely work in their own or others' farms.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

In villages women condition is dependent on men that is negative point for women.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think Santosh has a point,the condition of womenfolk in the villages is truly deplorable.
I am from village and I know what a hell life for women in villages.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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