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Since no one is there selectors will allow Dhoni to continue.I think RAina made captain for Zimbabwe tour for this assessment.

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Just being a good player is not the sole criterion to be appointed captain of any side.I remember England's past captain Mike Brearley was a brilliant captain and one of the best despite the fact that he was an average batsman.
Lot of player have ability of being good captain second plus point is this time players are very good. If anyone will be captain able to give win to India.

Santosh Kumar Singh


We have lots of good players but all are not captaincy material!
It can not be decided without experience to predict who is good who is bad.

Santosh Kumar Singh


We have various stages at the domestic levels to groom future captains like Ranji Trophy,Indian A team etc.
When Dhoni entered as player no one says that he will be captain but this time he is successful captain.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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