The wisest of all human beings Socrates might have lived in Greece but the people of modern day Greece in recent years could not grasp the wisdom that one should live within his or her means.After years of practising econmic profligacy of the worst kind the country is now in very big trouble. The effects of this economic sin is now caught with them.Its economy is facing an unprecedent debt crisis.Please comment.
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The economic crisis in Greece carries the potential of turning the European economy upside down in the coming months!
Yet another example of a great nation that chose to merely rest on the laurels of their ancestors and blow up what wealth they had unwisely!! Wasn't that what happened in India centuries ago which allowed us to be ruled over by foreign invaders consistently? Very sad that it should happen where Socrates was born.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


You are spot on! Greece is the cradle of ancient culture and a very sad commentary on her present state of affairs.The land which once ruled the world with knowledge, has forgotten the simple wisdom that one has to live within its means!
Socrates was a philospopher of international fame. His sane advice is not followed in his land of birth as stated by Chinmoy. But this is true of all. Today Lenin is irrelevant in Russia, Gandhi no more followed in Inda and China has forgotten Mao.

Today, the entire world is overeploting the natural resources. This is an era of over consumption. The entire humanity and even wild life and forests, sea are to suffer for human folly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan,you have summed it up very effectively.Greed is the ruling passion!Wise men and their sagely advice no longer influence our lives! A great tragedy,indeed!
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