Dear members till today also we kill girl child because they will be burden in future.

I know here all members are Educated so they will argue that against of girl child killing but just think what happening in our surrounding and be practical.

Cant we stop this by taking some serious action and creating awareness in mind of people?
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Killing of girl child is a serious crime govenment should take legal action on the doctor who killing girl child even she take birth.
people feel that if a girl child is there , there will have lot of burden. they need to spend alot of money. mostly they should give dowry for her. but for boy child they get dowry. thats why in most of the families they give more love to boy then girl. but this is really bad on the parents part and the system. I want to abolish this system of giving dowry then everything will be good and every parents love their children equally

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

it is not applicable to all i love both .
I think girls are not not reasons to kill then reasons are Indian cultures,rules and regulation like dahej pratha,going to other home after marriage etc so peopel does not treated girls as a boy and do not want to take extra burdon due to money problem so if girl decide that he will marry without dahej and if person able to feel free from extra burdon than i think no one feel bad after girl birth . our mentality problem.

Santosh Kumar Singh


That our olden cultures are following still in some places.The village people are thinking when a baby born they are felling burden to them.One main reason is the dowry for every girl child must be given dowry this is the thing which is happening in our society.

when we eradicate the dowry the girl child's birth will be more than the boys.

when i want to be a father i pray god for a Girl twin child's.

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It is previous thinking and the mentality of people changed completely by the passage of time. About 80% of people doesn't belief in caring a boy better than a girl child. We should change with the system. It is good to have such change.
yes you are right manas, but in andhra most of the families are not yet change they still give more care and love to the boy

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think who want to become bad so everyone will vote which ways are good but actual history and figure is different then poll percentage.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Regarding what you are talking ot . I didnt understand, the answer you have given here is not relate to topic

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am saying that if peoples votes are in support of girls then its not true actully people still like boys more than girl .

Santosh Kumar Singh


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