If you are working on a computer with laser printer- beware. The small particles of toner used in printer cartridge may enter your lungs and cause harm. This is result of a research in Germany. There is likelihood of even lung cancer. The initial symptoms are difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in eyes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Oh nice information share by Gulshan keep it up dear .................

Santosh Kumar Singh



Thanks Sir for this information..
thanks for information.

Even the dust on CRT and CPU are also harmful.Whenever you clean the dust,Please mask your nose because dust contains harmful polycarbonate from hardware decay .

Thanks for sharing this valuable information Gulshan. Keep it up.

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a very informative news

But do you have some alternatives as the printing industry is very huge each and every office uses printers for there day to day purposes
It's indeed, a very useful piece of information.Now carcinogenic sources are too many.Thanks both of you for sharing them.
Printers emitted more particles when the toner cartridge was new, and when printing graphics and images as they require greater quantities of toner," Prof Morawska was quoted by the daily.
However, she said that the emission levels varied a lot between different machine makes, models printer age, cartridge model and cartridge age.
Lung Cancer!!!!

Thanks Gulshan --- Its very important piece of information!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks Gulshan and Bhanu for this very useful information....
:) :)

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.

Thanks for sharing information here. Hope technology advacnes soon

Cool information and hot earnings @
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