Newly wed tennis star "Sania Mirza" has said she will retain her maiden name and play for another three to four years.....

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I think its her own decision but after marriage I will not like to see her game .

Santosh Kumar Singh


yup, I also not going to watch her game anymore....we don't want in our national team.

she is no more Indian. :( :( :( :(
Hmmm yes yes......

She is not Indian now!!!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Anyway I doubt whether she will able to play at all now!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Let us not bother about the players and their personal events. Play is important. If we love tennis, we shall watch the game irrespective of personal events of the player. If Sania continues to play tennis, we shall watch her game for our love of tennis and not because of her marriage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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