
All of you would be shocked to know Mr. Ketan Desai who is the head of Medical Council of India and was in the news for all the right reasons for spearheading a move to stop the practice of accepting expensive gifts,foreign trips on the part of doctors offered by drug and pharmaceutical companies,has been caught red-handed by the CBI sleuths accepting bribe of Rs 2 crore!And this has prompted to word the title of this topic like this.What do you think?
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oh..Was not aware of this... really another instance that tells us that it is difficult to judge ppl. As he was caught red-handed, strict action needs to be taken, apart from suspension.
Its really not good. That type of person is harmful for India. India should alert for all of these type of person.

Santosh Kumar Singh


CBI is great its working. Due to this actions some what bribe/corruptions and white collared victims coming out. Otherwise no one can be controlled.
@ Sridevi

You are absolutely correct and exemplary punishment should be meted out to this person.Level of corruption in high places is too high in India and we just can not afford to have this level of corrupt activities.This internal threat to India is even greater than any external one!
I think this is not fare. There should be self conscious to these people.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Corrupt people who so audaciously accept such unimaginable amounts of bribe do not have any kind of conscience. When they accept such bribes they conveniently forget the duties they are supposed to be performing. The position that they are appointed in demands that they perform exemplary service towards the organisation they work for and for their job, they are already being paid fairly huge salaries. So in spite of that if they resort to bribes, they should be severely punished.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It is a very sad fact that corruption has become a way of life in India. The honest are considered 'fools', 'unpractical' and what not. Even in social arrangements like selecting bridegroom, people ask about 'other income' besides actual salary. We need nothing less than a revolution to uproot corruption.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


It is absolute true that the average lot of the honest people in India is just pitiable they are subjected to ridicule and contempt not only by their colleagues at the place of work but also by the members of their own families!
Yes yes.... the main moto of these people is not to serve people, but to earn money and do some business out of it!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Such people are out only to fill up their pockets and houses with money. Fresh news today is that Mr. Desai's house after a thorough search has yielded 1800 crores in CASH and over 2 tonnes of gold!! Isn't this a mockery of honest people!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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