Do we love only once in our life?

Santosh Kumar Singh


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Love, hatred, anger, greed all these are feelings that are constant. Most appropriate would be to ask whether we love the same person throughout life. Love is very wide. We love our children, spouse, environment, animal world, forests and the entire universe. Love is not one time matter. This is continuous. Co existence with a spouse and maintaining children is social responsibility and this cannot be equated to love that knows no bounds.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That is good but I am talking about lover. Do you feel first love in second time also. I think first love is first one.

Santosh Kumar Singh


In my opinion the first love is not true.It is only the first impression.Love actually starts after that.

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I have not loved anyone before my marriage. So i couldn't say about the first love
Meen Every girl fall in love one time in her life so remember at least one boy may have come in your life.
Are you in love with your husband.Then he may be your first love.

Santosh Kumar Singh


U can love as many times u want......
u luv ur parents, friends relatives, pets etc etc.....
it depends on the way how u define it..... :)
I think First love is remembered than other times of love. It will always in heart. you only can feel it if you miss your first love.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]I think First love is remembered than other times of love. It will always in heart. you only can feel it if you miss your first love.[/quote]

When do you think this first love starts?

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Love is related to our feeling when we feel first time that this girl is attracting me more and you meet her regularly then you feel that you can not live without her. one day when she went from your life than you feel that it was your first love.

Santosh Kumar Singh


These are matter of psychological trait. First love seldom fades. Second and subsequent love are only poor substitutes of the first.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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