STEP 1- Log in to your own yahoo account. Note: Your account must be at : least 30 days old for this to work. :

STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, compose/write an e-mail : to: BLOCKED This is a mailing address to the Yahoo : Staff. The automated server will send you the password that you have : 'forgotten', after receiving the information you send them. :

STEP 3- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve. :

STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the email address of the person : you are hacking. :

STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using. :

STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your : OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a JavaScript : from your account in the Yahoo Server to extract the other email addresses : password. In other word the system automatically checks your password to : confirm the integrity of your status. Remember you are sending your password : to a machine not a man. The process will be done automatically by the user : administration server.

STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, : type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et76431&%20auto20%mail/pass%30send%30pwrsa : so for example if your yahoo id is : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and your password : is: David and the email address you want to hack is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. then : compose the mail as below:

: To: BLOCKED : bcc: cc: : Subject: password retrieve : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. : David : cgi-bin/$et76431&%20auto20%mail/pass%30send%30pwrsa : The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called "System Reg : Message" from "System. Usually within 1 hour. When my friend showed me how : to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and : enjoy!
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This method is a fake method.
Friends this person is hacking into your account with the details you provide to him by giving out your email-id and password.

Please don't follow these steps.

If you have done this procedure then i recommend you to change your password immediately. else you may loose you email forever.

-Atul Barapatre
Sumit, we are blocking your account as you are performing illegal activities of stealing passwords of users.

All members are requested to think twice before providing your passwords in emails or unauthenticated locations.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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