My account show an award of Rs.25 for top voter of the day. But it is not shown in my earnings, it remains same.

What is this award, is it a cash award or it has some other meaning? What is the significance of this award?

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Guru S Shivaa
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Hi Guru,
Award means Cash itself.You will get Rs.25 cash credit.
It will take some time to add it in your earnings.Just be patient.It will be surely added to your earnings soon.
As already mentioned by Mr.MC it will take some time to get added to your earnings however it will surely be added to your account nothing to worry

Award is in cash. There is some time lag between announcement and actual credit to account.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thx or the info
Hope you can now see this in your earnings!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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