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usha manohar wrote:

Jabeen wrote..

  • No doubt some people have managed to convert their black money into white but lets not be in a hurry to give the verdict that the step of demonetisation has not achieved its purpose. I am sure everyone of us is aware about the increase in the amount being deposited at different banks since the declaration of demonetization. It is in terms of crores and crores, which is a significant amount. Not only that, it has also brought into the rader of Income tax department the people who are depositing amount beyond their means. 

When we see the volumes involved and also the kind of mis information being spread by the opposition, one can understand what an uphill task it is to clean up the corrupt system created so far. All the more reason for citizens to strengthen the hands of the govt..Here is a link which gives some information and points of view expressed by two top economists on Manmohan Singh's sudden outburst , that must have taken a lot of coaxing ..


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Making people stand in lines begging for own hard earned money in quantities decided by others is reaching pinnacle of glory.

Cant disagree with @vijay, i feel only the middle class people suffering and having a hard time whereas the people with the black money have already found out ways of converting to white. Which is evident from the recent IT raids which are finding new currency notes worth crores with the big fishes, while we are standing in queues just to be told the atm/banks are out of funds. 

We all want to bring the wrong doers to book but how long do we need to suffer for that. And the question still remains if all this is really worth the trouble? how much difference is it really bringing in?


Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated - Confucius

Sad to see people taking such a negative stand at anti corruption drive simply because they want to support their favorite politicians.. thankfully the common man is much more supportive and understands better because of all the sufferings and humiliation under the past corrupt era that only respected money power and political clout 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:

Sad to see people taking such a negative stand at anti corruption drive simply because they want to support their favorite politicians.. thankfully the common man is much more supportive and understands better because of all the sufferings and humiliation under the past corrupt era that only respected money power and political clout 

Its easier to say this when you sit comfortably in your home. During the recent cyclone in chennai, the whole city was out of power, there was no cash in atm, holiday in banks, no shops accepted the cards because network were down. You should have seen how people suffered. 

As I said I am not against anti corruption but the question remains how long we need to suffer and is it really paying the benefits? There is no timeline here. And i do not see any difference before and after demonetization except that i am not able to spend my own hard earned money.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated - Confucius

Divya wrote:
usha manohar wrote:

Sad to see people taking such a negative stand at anti corruption drive simply because they want to support their favorite politicians.. thankfully the common man is much more supportive and understands better because of all the sufferings and humiliation under the past corrupt era that only respected money power and political clout 

Its easier to say this when you sit comfortably in your home. During the recent cyclone in chennai, the whole city was out of power, there was no cash in atm, holiday in banks, no shops accepted the cards because network were down. You should have seen how people suffered. 

As I said I am not against anti corruption but the question remains how long we need to suffer and is it really paying the benefits? There is no timeline here. And i do not see any difference before and after demonetization except that i am not able to spend my own hard earned money.

Since you know nothing about me or my lifestyle I guess it is better not to presume that I sit in the comfort of my home. I too stand in ques Like the rest and have to work at school and at home so let us not be preachy and bring in nature's calamities as well..anyway my comment was not meant for you since your post came before mine while I was in the process of posting it.


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:
Divya wrote:
usha manohar wrote:

Sad to see people taking such a negative stand at anti corruption drive simply because they want to support their favorite politicians.. thankfully the common man is much more supportive and understands better because of all the sufferings and humiliation under the past corrupt era that only respected money power and political clout 

Its easier to say this when you sit comfortably in your home. During the recent cyclone in chennai, the whole city was out of power, there was no cash in atm, holiday in banks, no shops accepted the cards because network were down. You should have seen how people suffered. 

As I said I am not against anti corruption but the question remains how long we need to suffer and is it really paying the benefits? There is no timeline here. And i do not see any difference before and after demonetization except that i am not able to spend my own hard earned money.

Since you know nothing about me or my lifestyle I guess it is better not to presume that I sit in the comfort of my home. I too stand in ques Like the rest and have to work at school and at home so let us not be preachy and bring in nature's calamities as well..anyway my comment was not meant for you since your post came before mine while I was in the process of posting it.

I am sorry if you felt it preachy. I did not mean "you" literally, but was just trying to address all pompous people who are boasting about the demonetization without taking into account the ground realities. And again calamities are also a testing phase for all people not just the policies, so i dont think it is wrong is discussing the suffering of the people i saw myself. 

Anyways, I am refraining from further discussion on this thread. 

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated - Confucius

The supreme indifference shown in a calculated manner towards persons dying in queues by the ruling elite is really terrifying. They only want everything to become cashless. But black money originates out of greed in persons in power or in positions where supply is less than demsnd. Blind support of undefined futuristic benefits is equally ununderstandable.Counter with facts and not by allegations.

rambabu wrote:
anil wrote:
rambabu wrote:
Arunima Singh wrote:

Now RaGa new drama and personal attack on PM. 

I wish all could work in Union to promote cashless economy constructively rather than causing chaos and unwanted political distraction. Only when more cashless transactions will happen, economy will move on clean path

 RaGa is enacting many dramas. He said today in Parliament that he has information pertaining to Modi's secrets. That is why, he is not allowed to speak. Bluffer and a liar. he makes himself a fool by uttering such words. Another funny remark is if, he opens his mouth there will be an Earth Quake.

Yes I also read it, who is stopping him to speak. One fact we all must be accept that common people adversely affected with this ban. In coming days these people must be make feel the benefits of this ban, otherwise Modi government will face problem in coming election.

He will not speak. Because nobody will believe Rahul . Yes, I agree common man is really affected. Unfortunately, it takes time to back to normal condition. Modi Government will certainly do something in the coming days.

Yesterday BJP government of Rajasthan celebrate 3rd annversiry and some leader and minister came here to tell about achievement of government but public didn't come to listen.


The ones suffering the most are the black money hoarders including the politicians who cannot express their anguish at having lost huge amounts of black money that they have looted from the public , also cannot contain their anger at Modi for having taken such a bold step. For common people that I have come across it is no worse since money is there in most ATMs and if you have the time ,you can withdraw from your bank account standing in a que instead of waiting with a challan on normal days ,both of which take the same amount of time from my experience. But at least now there is hope for a positive change. With 500 rupee notes introduced from the first week of January ,things will be a lot better . If we need change we need to be prepared for some inconvenience. As per the media reports , most of which come from certain sources , it seems to be highly exaggerated and people are paid by politicians to stand in que which I  know for a fact .There are some who are happy with this , since they get paid to stand in que without having to do  any work.Of course die hard supporters of the opposition will make much of all the sufferings...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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