We can divide the people according to their character, taste, age, sex, behaviour and so on. There are different kinds of yoga and so people can select the suitable one in accordance with their interest. This is a surprising news that there is yoga even for lazy people. Doing yoga everyday is good for health and it is the best way to prevent our body from diseases.
Yes there is a Yoga for Lazy people too. It's to emphasize relaxation rather than work out. This type of Yoga is called restorative Yoga.
Yoga is the best way to calm a disturbed mind. A few minutes of yoga everyday is the best way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily both in mind and body. Breathing exercise and meditation can reduce stress and improve immunity. Yoga can keep our mind happy and peaceful. With appropriate yoga practice we can improve our relationship with our spouse, children, parents, friends and other loved ones.
Exactly. Yoga has the capability of making the practitioner mentally and physically. It is extremely useful in these days of Fast paced life. The plum on the cake is, it's inexpensive sans side effects. It has 8 limbs known as Ashtanga Yoga.