we all are aware of this fact that we should never hide anything from doctor and advocate. one of the thing which most us neglect is eye testing because we all are afraid of spectacles, we don't want to wear that because we think that we won't look nice in that. But we should never do that it's very important to test our eyes in a month
bhuyali saroj
True. Many people feel that their eyes are good and don't need any medical check up.
Even if you have 20 by 20 vision, you are required to go for Medical check up. Because it is only an Eye specialist can detect the possibilities of eye diseases like m Glaucoma. Eye experts can identify hazardous health conditions like Diabetes, hyper tension even Brain tumor..
Hence it is advised to go for eye testing once in two years.
In fact, you should not tell lie to any professional whose help you seek. Not only doctoe, if you conceal some material facts from your lawyer, he will not be able to help you.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:In fact, you should not tell lie to any professional whose help you seek. Not only doctoe, if you conceal some material facts from your lawyer, he will not be able to help you.
Very true. By telling lies either wit a doctor or a lawyer we are cheating ourselves thereby unknowingly buying problems. Many are so confident that their health is strong and remains forever. This confidence is anything but true. Bad health will not come and knock on your door announcing your likelihood of being falling sick. Wisdom lies in undergoing a full body check up one in two years.
I think it is better to keep a medical journal or a book of medical history and list of operations or major attacks.
One CEO who was only 38 years of age, died of cardiac arrest. The death was a schoker to the corporate world as the person was fit, young, ate healthy, did exercises and did not have any ailments. what caused the death was the lack of sleep, he would sleep everyday only for 4 hours which took a toll on his life.
What I am trying to emphasis is on the fact that what is natural, should be done naturally at this fast pace world (like sleep, exercise, food)Swetha Shenoy
Sleep and exercise as you said should be given importance. Along with it one should have healthy food habits. This works unitedly imparting you a sound health. But we cannot foresee what would happen and what would strike you from an unexpected corner. Of course Natural ways are good. But to be on the safe side one must visit a health consultant.
I am a health buff. But suddenly one day I found my natural brisk walk is being obstructed and hampered. Then i had to go to a medical practitioner. It was found that there was corn underneath my right foot due to corn
So Rambabu, have you taken steps to eradicate the corn?
I hope that you are well
If i am not wrong, trusting my memory; were you not the one that had an attack of sounds in the ear, generally otherwise known as tinnitus?
Swetha Shenoy
Thanking you for asking Swetha
Yes i took care of Corn. Now, i 'm free from it. My walking is normal after treatment of the corn
I am reminded of a case where one of my relatives who passed away last year .He used to have problem while urinating and he never told his doctor who was also a family friend, thinking it was because he was not drinking enough water.Later he began developing pain in his lower abdomen and limbs , when he went in for a scan it was discovered that he had Prostate cancer which was in stage 4 where his bones too were affected..He passed away last year after fighting the cancer for 2 years ! So, no matter what I guess it is better to consult a doctor at the earliest ..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Timely action especially in Health matters is very essential. In this matter women shy away fro approaching a doctor. Most of the women related problems are hidden. This is highly undesirable for the sake of their own health. a physician has to be consulted.
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