Everybody is talking about Maggie  and it's contents Lead and MSG.

Why Lead and MSG are undesirable and what  are the health hazard factors of Lead and MSG?

Amit Khurana, project manager for food safety and toxins at the New Delhi-based Center For Science and Environment, to find out how lead and MSG harm our bodies.



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Good information and after long time now actions are being taken against big corporates which is good sign as of an emerging nation. 


Law should be allowed to take its own course. In this regard both people and the government should work in tandem especially when such issues like food adulteration are concerned.


Good information shared bit I am surprised to think that we may be consuming this adulterated Maggie since long time and may have been accumulated lots of lead in stomach.

Yes Sanjeev. For many Maggie products are an obsession. Unknowingly such people damaged their immune system and become prey to many ailments.


Moreover I did not know that lead is that much dangerous that it accumulates in our body.

Now you knew. Beware of the health hazards of lead in the food you eat.


Excessive consumption of lead and MSG leads to nausea, chest tightness, migraine.Maggi has nearly seven times of permissible MSG limits in its noodles. 


Maggie has crossed all the permissible limits of ingredients and made their products unfit for human consumption.

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