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Then they should be utilized After all they are good for one's self development.

I think so as every persons at least should have knowledge about it and if they are useful they could go with it,

That is the purpose of these forums. Every member should help other members to build up others knowledge base.

This is good every member should help others without detecting otherwise the purpose learning for a better life just got derailed.

That is exactly what I said. Help and get help should be the motto.

It applies to every persons so that together one could learn and earn knowledge base from it.

This what I said in this connection. Sharing of knowledge through the forums is the mainstay of discussion forums.

Being positive is important. Meditation definitely gives a break to brain which gets tired working whole day. I don't meditate but feel I should start may I get my stress relieved through it.

Sanjeev, if you want to try meditation, i say  it is a good and wise decision.  you will be astonished to see its good results in a short time. All the best.

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