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Thank you for giving the update. Salman's sentence has been suspended by the higher court. This means that the sentence for five years imprisonment does not begin immediately but is suspended or postponed till some future date as may be decided later by appellate court. It is also likely  that  the sentence is modified or annulled.  . 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Thank you for giving the update. Salman's sentence has been suspended by the higher court. This means that the sentence for five years imprisonment does not begin immediately but is suspended or postponed till some future date as may be decided later by appellate court. It is also likely  that  the sentence is modified or annulled.  . 


You are most welcome sir. By all probability the sentence will be annulled as it happened just now in Jayalalitaa's case. She was acquitted from all the charges.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

A fourth witness who was inside car, Kamal Khan, never ever tested by public prosecutor, and the entire case to start again.

On the whole,obviously the entire case is a classic example of manipulations and distortions to save Salman,

Till the last verdict is out no one is guilty as of mere celebrity does not guarantee that he had done offence, still many years to continues and the case is now higher court expected to move in greater speed.

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