Here are some differences between Winners and Losers. What makes a winner stand above all? Read on.


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Everyone works to in. But every one can not be leader in the race. It is a constant struggle to remain ahead of others. I remeber a song- zindagi hai khel koi paas koi fail- anari hai koi khiladi hai koi. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Everyone works to in. But every one can not be leader in the race. It is a constant struggle to remain ahead of others. I remeber a song- zindagi hai khel koi paas koi fail- anari hai koi khiladi hai koi. 


With that song ,You have driven home  the  gist of the discussion. True. many endeavor for success, but very few rerach the peak. It says that mere working hard is not enough. Hard work and right Direction will pave the path to success.


Hitler said that it is very easy to get the success if you think and note about the reasons of failure. Yes winners are the persons who take risks and asking suggestion from others and analyzing it with his brain and take final decision of his own.

In our society being winner symbolizes the success for every people. If somebody fails any time in their life they are symbolized as unsuccessful persons.   

Senthil kumar P wrote:

In our society being winner symbolizes the success for every people. If somebody fails any time in their life they are symbolized as unsuccessful persons.   

You can't live for the society and one thing we should change our mind that the people who get failure in their attempt is not a successful person they will anytime get success if they are improving by the failures.

What I know is winners are hard workers and loser are street smart and witty conversationalist, good at convincing people by talking about anything.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

The winners have it in them  - - they not only do a superb amount of hard work, they are also always intelligent to explore new opportunities and live every moment of their lives.  The losers have a problem with self-belief.  Once they get over this problem, they normally perform well -- particularly those with fire in their bellies.  Sometimes it takes a very young girl or even a good married woman ( normally a good friend) who goes all out of the way, to encourage some men, who have it in them, but do not know how to get going. 

Such companions are rare, but they do a great difference.  It is possibly the motherly caring that comes out, though the girl or the woman, might as well be much younger to the man in question.  About the reverse, am not too sure, expect possibly for the high-flying Corporate women, who have made their way to success, through some constant encouragement from their husbands.  In many cases, good companions are not necessarily wives or husbands.

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