11 years ago
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11 years ago
It is best not to interfere with others. This is sheer waste of time and energy. This is for police to control such things. At best you can give your concern in Facebook or newspaper.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
It is best not to interfere with others. This is sheer waste of time and energy. This is for police to control such things. At best you can give your concern in Facebook or newspaper.
In fact I'm a voluntary citizen police. The police department sought the help from people like me to help them in smooth functioning of law and order. This did not work. I learned the lesson.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
11 years ago
It is best not to interfere with others. This is sheer waste of time and energy. This is for police to control such things. At best you can give your concern in Facebook or newspaper.
In fact I'm a voluntary citizen police. The police department sought the help from people like me to help them in smooth functioning of law and order. This did not work. I learned the lesson.
It is not that people do not want to follow the law, but we are simply a huge population and there is competition for space. Unfortunately our city and town planners have faied to provide adequate space for parks / playgrounds at reasonable distances where youngsters can play and citizens can stroll. In 1950's this concept was there but with population growth and politico-builders lobby it is all gone for a toss. You did try that should be your satisfaction.
11 years ago
It is best not to interfere with others. This is sheer waste of time and energy. This is for police to control such things. At best you can give your concern in Facebook or newspaper.
In fact I'm a voluntary citizen police. The police department sought the help from people like me to help them in smooth functioning of law and order. This did not work. I learned the lesson.
It is not that people do not want to follow the law, but we are simply a huge population and there is competition for space. Unfortunately our city and town planners have faied to provide adequate space for parks / playgrounds at reasonable distances where youngsters can play and citizens can stroll. In 1950's this concept was there but with population growth and politico-builders lobby it is all gone for a toss. You did try that should be your satisfaction.[/quote
China is more populated than India. There are no such Traffic violations. Our people need education.
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