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Recently, I have worked on a big writing project. Actually I never wanted to work for an Indian client, but this time, the client was offering good rate, hence I thought it's worth to take a chance. I completed the project on time and send it back to the client. After a few days, I got a report saying 25% of my files are rejected. It was shocking, but believe me I was expecting it, because the client was an Indian. Anyway, I took the payment of 75% and said goodbye to that client.
After one month, I thought lets check those files that my client had rejected. No surprise I found all of my content that were rejected, online. Although it was not surprising, but I decided to call the client to ask the reason. In reply client said, "it's your fault" that you provided low quality. Then I asked sorry if I provided low quality, but why my low quality files got published then? Client said it's because you provided low quality, you have to pay the penalty.

My client didn't pay me any money for those rejected files.

My questions are:

  • Can my client publish those files that he/she never bought from me/or never paid the price for?
  • If he/she does publish my content online, which is clearly cheating, what can be done against him/her?
  • What should I do?


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You can do nothing, no ghost writer can. You should have used them somewhere else the moment these were rejected. The only thing you can do is open his name in the web world if you can dare do that. Or contact the site manager if it is through any site or keep mum. You cannot gain any result unless you declare their name openly to pressurize them

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Thank you said by: Rakhi Yadav
Recently, I have worked on a big writing project. Actually I never wanted to work for an Indian client, but this time, the client was offering good rate, hence I thought it's worth to take a chance. I completed the project on time and send it back to the client. After a few days, I got a report saying 25% of my files are rejected. It was shocking, but believe me I was expecting it, because the client was an Indian. Anyway, I took the payment of 75% and said goodbye to that client.
After one month, I thought lets check those files that my client had rejected. No surprise I found all of my content that were rejected, online. Although it was not surprising, but I decided to call the client to ask the reason. In reply client said, "it's your fault" that you provided low quality. Then I asked sorry if I provided low quality, but why my low quality files got published then? Client said it's because you provided low quality, you have to pay the penalty.

My client didn't pay me any money for those rejected files.

My questions are:

  • Can my client publish those files that he/she never bought from me/or never paid the price for?
  • If he/she does publish my content online, which is clearly cheating, what can be done against him/her?
  • What should I do?

You can send Google to stop his publishing website for plagiarism, give Google adequate prove, and Google will act and banning from Google will hurt your client, you can reach to cyber courts for yours copyright.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Rakhi Yadav
Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

That Fraudulent sites are restricted to only Indian sites is a wrong belief. There are many who were duped by many foreign Fraudulent sites.
Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

How will she prove that it was her work which she was not paid for? She is a ghost writer, who does it on outright sale for money giving her work to be used by her clients.

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Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

How will she prove that it was her work which she was not paid for? She is a ghost writer, who does it on outright sale for money giving her work to be used by her clients.

I agree with you. Ghost writers cannot prove anything.This is the point well utilised by these fraudulent clients.
Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

How will she prove that it was her work which she was not paid for? She is a ghost writer, who does it on outright sale for money giving her work to be used by her clients.
Copyright statutes shows that the creator of the work is the copyright owner. Typically it is the intention of the parties to a ghost writing relationship that the person hiring the ghost writer will own the copyright. To achieve the desired intent, there must be a written agreement because copyrights cannot be transferred verbally. The parties must include in their written contract a provision that the ghost writer is assigning his copyright to the author.

Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

How will she prove that it was her work which she was not paid for? She is a ghost writer, who does it on outright sale for money giving her work to be used by her clients.
Copyright statutes shows that the creator of the work is the copyright owner. Typically it is the intention of the parties to a ghost writing relationship that the person hiring the ghost writer will own the copyright. To achieve the desired intent, there must be a written agreement because copyrights cannot be transferred verbally. The parties must include in their written contract a provision that the ghost writer is assigning his copyright to the author.

In this case a particular work is what is in question, not the copyright which is out of scene here.

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Its not the fault of 'low quality ' for which you paid penalty. It is your fault to fall prey to the tricks of your client which are rampant in both Indian and foreign sites. In the absence of the prescribed norms about, what is 'high quality' and 'low quality '. you cannot do anything.
Quality is the state of the mind, in US when such fraudulent website tend to cheat, federal organization act on people's behalf and offline those client's website. Sadly, but true, in India there is no such active government agency to help.

How will she prove that it was her work which she was not paid for? She is a ghost writer, who does it on outright sale for money giving her work to be used by her clients.
Copyright statutes shows that the creator of the work is the copyright owner. Typically it is the intention of the parties to a ghost writing relationship that the person hiring the ghost writer will own the copyright. To achieve the desired intent, there must be a written agreement because copyrights cannot be transferred verbally. The parties must include in their written contract a provision that the ghost writer is assigning his copyright to the author.

In this case a particular work is what is in question, not the copyright which is out of scene here.

Copyright issue will not come in to picture as the client himself said the work is of 'Low Quality ".The question arises, what according to the client is "low Quality"?
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