The quality of milk is going down by the day in our country. What do you think could be the reasons behind?

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Poor quality of cattle food could be one reason. Besides there is adulteration.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There will be ‘only one’ reason for poor quality of milk. That is adding either water or cheap quality Milk powder. Poor consumer thinks ‘All that looks white is milk.’
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Artificial methods of producing milk could be another reason for milk available because number of milking cattle is going down too fast due to increasing slaughtering houses.

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Artificial methods of producing milk could be another reason for milk available because number of milking cattle is going down too fast due to increasing slaughtering houses.

When number of milch animals is lesser, obviously, milk is unreal- may be synthetic.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There can be more than one reason.. Adding mixture of powder and water to maintain thickness of milk is popular at many places. And yes even I have seen in the news about artificial milk. It can be one of the reason too.

There is really shortage of milch animals. The best way is to avoid taking milk. Let milk be for small children only. Adults need not take milk. This will remove the demand and so pure milk will be available for needy children and patients. If the demand far exceeds natural milk, adulteration and impurity cannot be avoided.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Artificial methods of producing milk could be another reason for milk available because number of milking cattle is going down too fast due to increasing slaughtering houses.

When number of milch animals is lesser, obviously, milk is unreal- may be synthetic.

Definitely its synthetic milk. And its this milk majority of consumers are consuming.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
There is really shortage of milch animals. The best way is to avoid taking milk. Let milk be for small children only. Adults need not take milk. This will remove the demand and so pure milk will be available for needy children and patients. If the demand far exceeds natural milk, adulteration and impurity cannot be avoided.

Yes, this can decrease the demand. But taking no milk at all, not even tea?! It sounds hard.

There is really shortage of milch animals. The best way is to avoid taking milk. Let milk be for small children only. Adults need not take milk. This will remove the demand and so pure milk will be available for needy children and patients. If the demand far exceeds natural milk, adulteration and impurity cannot be avoided.

Yes, this can decrease the demand. But taking no milk at all, not even tea?! It sounds hard.

You will need very less milk for tea. Many take black tea as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Money minded milkmen, ignorant customers, focus on quantity rather than quality and increase in the consumption of packet milk are some factors that I believe have hampered the quality of milk.

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