Technology as well as nature.

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Hmm.. Yes both are important. These days youngsters used to get attract more towards technology gadgets, but nature is important as well. One shouldn't ignore it.

Nature teach us to caring, and how to live together with others.

Technology sharp our mind.
But now a days most of children's are busy with mobile games and spend their most of time in it.
It is correct?

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Nature teach us to caring, and how to live together with others.

Technology sharp our mind.
But now a days most of children's are busy with mobile games and spend their most of time in it.
It is correct?

Surely not.. Technology is important at some level. But giving all of the time to it is surely waste of time sometime. I mean like wasting time for games and social sites. They shouldn't give over time to it. Instead of that they should spend time with nature too. That can easily refresh the mind which is so important in these active life.

Both the realms are important. But parents should ensure that the things are taught in their supervision
Everything has both, advantages and disadvantages. If you don't let your kids play video games or computer games, they will not be unaware from latest technology. However rightly said that it should be done under the supervision of parents so that games don't become the reason of online addiction.


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Thank you said by: vaishnavi
Everything has both, advantages and disadvantages. If you don't let your kids play video games or computer games, they will not be unaware from latest technology. However rightly said that it should be done under the supervision of parents so that games don't become the reason of online addiction.


Parent' supervision is necessary because children may get addicted. Addiction in any form will harm the child. Everything should be in their own limits.
Thank you said by: vaishnavi
I really appreciate the second kid. Kids using mobiles and such gadgets is nothing new. But how many such small children do you see with such beautiful birids in hands?
Thank you said by: vaishnavi
Technology as well as nature.

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Both styles or ways of studying things is very important

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nature teach us to caring, and how to live together with others.

Technology sharp our mind.
But now a days most of children's are busy with mobile games and spend their most of time in it.
It is correct?

vashnavi it very true instead of playing any outdoor games kids of today are more busy with the electronic gadgets available in the market....
Thank you said by: vaishnavi
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