83 buried in landslide in Tibet's mining area

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83 buried in landslide in Tibet's mining area


Many things are happening like this now a days . The rescue team will be succed.

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Landslide is common in hilly area during rainy season. There is landslide in India also in states like J & K.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

News is horrible. This is the first time I have read regarding landslide in Tibet. Other hill areas off and on get affected due to such calamity. 83 people are dead in Tibet, is big incident.
Oh so sad to read it. :(

83 casualities is too much. I think many more will be rescued by the team. :blink:
News is horrible. This is the first time I have read regarding landslide in Tibet. Other hill areas off and on get affected due to such calamity. 83 people are dead in Tibet, is big incident.

This is not the first time it happens in Tibet too...
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