Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.
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A wise saying. Dwelling in the past decays us. Life is meant to bloom. Walk in to open and explore the new avenues leaving behind the past.
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Great quote. Many people in these days think of their bad happenings and waste the great days ahead.
Think everyday as a fresh beginning. Never think of the past.
Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.

That is the wisest thing to do in life..... One can never be sure or 100 % certain about anything in life except change ! I believe in the saying 'never say never, because you end up doing things you never wanted to do before, so accept life as it comes each day !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.

That is the wisest thing to do in life..... One can never be sure or 100 % certain about anything in life except change ! I believe in the saying 'never say never, because you end up doing things you never wanted to do before, so accept life as it comes each day !

What one can do thinking about the past wasting the present.?
Can any one however rich he may be buy the past and redecorate?
Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.

That is the wisest thing to do in life..... One can never be sure or 100 % certain about anything in life except change ! I believe in the saying 'never say never, because you end up doing things you never wanted to do before, so accept life as it comes each day !

Even I agree with that one should not sit and think what happened in the past but should have some learning from it and should enjoy present as there are many things still left in life to do.
Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.

That is the wisest thing to do in life..... One can never be sure or 100 % certain about anything in life except change ! I believe in the saying 'never say never, because you end up doing things you never wanted to do before, so accept life as it comes each day !

Even I agree with that one should not sit and think what happened in the past but should have some learning from it and should enjoy present as there are many things still left in life to do.

However very few people are able to realise that, otherwise we wouldnt have so many vendetta based violence and other miseries in life.The best thing is to forgive forget and move on in life..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: V.Arunkumar
Its always better to forget what happened in the past and start new day as fresh day.
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Past does not come back, why should I think about it. Enjoy which is available.
YES it is a inspiration quote, we should always forget about our bad moment and should start with some new way.
This is the best way to motivate yourself. Without motivation one cannot proceed further in this stressful world.
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