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This is a good saying.Character and behaviour is more important than everything.
:) Yes our behaviour only decides who stay in our life and who stay out of our life.So our behaviour is important.
I agree. Behavior matters most. Many will appear but behavior will decide who are more compatible.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

:laugh: Even the people who have almost same sort of behaviour are more likely to become friends.
Then what is the role of my brain? Is it a waste?
It is not my behavior only but mutual. I may be bad but what about the other one? or is that two bad make one good, it's not mathematical but reasoning that works in a relation.

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Good thought.

Behavior is most important than other.

Be positive
This is not really time alone but place that also determines who comes in life and stays. If you change place, you will lose some and get some. As concerns behavior, there is a saying- birds of a feather flock together. This is most significant. You will get friends according to your particular traits wherever you go.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Very nicely explained lines. I keeps thinking regarding this. Many a times I have guided my friends but little differently.
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