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Yes, it's true, well said, daughters are the best gitfs


This is right daughters are real gift of God but its an irony that these days some people discriminate with female child and think them to be a burden for them which is sick mentality. At least people should change their minds now when girls are not far behind than boys in any field. :)
I think the daughter is not a gift, if we say her gift than way we sent her in the next home,I means marry her. Gift is that we take it with us.
:) :) :) :) :) :) Yes daughter is precious gift of god.
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:) Daughter is more caring of parents than son. Why parents dislike daughter. Respect her, love her, care her.
This is right daughters are real gift of God but its an irony that these days some people discriminate with female child and think them to be a burden for them which is sick mentality. At least people should change their minds now when girls are not far behind than boys in any field. :)
Whether it's daughter or son both are the gift of God.Both has equal value in parents life.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Whether it's daughter or son both are the gift of God.Both has equal value in parents life.

Absolutely we should treat them equally and thos ehwo don't should change their mentality. :blink:
Daughter is a part of our body as son.When she is at next house then it is also our. She is as pretty as our son.
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