Let there be no blind accusations and shadow boxing. what people want from leaders is precisely given in the link below. Let the leaders listen to this and adhere to what people want.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Let there be no blind accusations and shadow boxing. what people want from leaders is precisely given in the link below. Let the leaders listen to this and adhere to what people want.


Very good 13 proposals but will it ever be implemented ? and who if at all will do so....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

People do not expect much (extra ordinary things/skills) from leaders. If they play their role efficiently for the welfare for the society (people who selected him/her as their representative), they will be happy.

Born to express, not to impress.
In the present murky scenario if our leaders practice even a modicum of honesty in their political and personal dealings that would be enough! Let them just listen to the dictates of their conscience at least once a day!!!
Let there be no blind accusations and shadow boxing. what people want from leaders is precisely given in the link below. Let the leaders listen to this and adhere to what people want.


Even we cannot dream any of this ones.

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We people just want corrupt free nation.If the Leaders can do this for us then we will be happy.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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