While on a serious task, you get up to respond to the buzzer at the door will hamper your ability to accurately complete a task, new research has found. Researchers led by Michigan State University found that interruptions of about three seconds doubled the error rate.
If you want an error free task, keep clear of the possible interruptions.
Source : Indian Express.
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A loving couple during their romantic talk do't tolerate the interruption. During preparation of important documents when
pen or papers become short ,interruption is not bearable.As it is same feel when the diaioug of a film or serial is missed by this reason we con,t tolerate interruption.
I also believe that the negative aspects hit back our mind. Hence positive thinking and motivation is very important in work field. Likewise interruption is a negative aspect. It breaks our concentration and therefore our physical and mental speed gets reduced. This hampers our task.
But you can't avoid such interruptions these are part of your life the one sho do the task perfectly with such interruptions are the perfect people in life. :blink:
It goes without saying that you need concentration for doing jobs in a time frame. Interruptions if any should be in very rare circumstances.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Interruptions can delay in the progress in work.
Try to cooperate.
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