They are axioms. They don't require a proof.
Do you need a weatherman to know in which direction the wind blows?
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They are axioms. They don't require a proof.
Do you need a weatherman to know in which direction the wind blows?

babuji, could you please check the link you have pasted is correct. I think it is the link for the other thread you have posted.
I agree I don't think for small things too one needs some one to guide him/her. :)
They are axioms. They don't require a proof.
Do you need a weatherman to know in which direction the wind blows?

babuji, could you please check the link you have pasted is correct. I think it is the link for the other thread you have posted.

Thank you . I look into it. Anyhow even without link too thread can continue. Sorry for the inconvenience
I agree totally, It is sheer waste of time and energy to discuss something that is obvious. There is a thread gong on as to whether our clothes should be according to weather. I don't know how such topics can be discussed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is true that obvious need not be shown but in mundane world, one should provide proof for each and everything.
The link is not the proper one...However, it is not possible to generalise and say what works for some works for everyone. Some are able to understand without having to go into details and some don't even when it is perfectly clear to others and it may be due to any number of reasons...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It is true that obvious need not be shown but in mundane world, one should provide proof for each and everything.

If i say Sun rises in the East and sets in the west. do i need to prove ?
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