World war II was at its peak. Spain was invaded by the Nazis. Each house is subjected to thorough searching. Nazis were weeding out communists . A far flung place in a lonely lane oblivious of all the happenings around was an young artist was busy before his canvas feverishly working on the canvas.

A loud knock on the door brought the artist in to this world. On opening the door, a group of Nazis barged in to the room and started searching the entire house. Not able to find out anything suspicious, the German soldiers came to the painter who was standing before his canvas and painting the ravages created by the Nazis.

After seeing the half wet canvas on the stand, one of the German soldiers asked the young artist pointing towards the painting in his broken English, " You did that?"

The artist replied. " No you did that."

Unable to understand, the Germans left the home.

Afterwards the painting has created waves. The artist was hailed by critics and novices alike.

The Painting was "Guernica."

And the artist was Pablo Picasso.
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This can be a good article if you want to make it. This is also interesting.
It seems that you are a big fan of Picasso, rambabu!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It seems that you are a big fan of Picasso, rambabu!!

Ram Babu, my bigbro is no lesser than Picasso himself. He is a big painter as well as good writer.

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