The topic is locked.
I have paste a article from word pad and then before submitting I joined some line. Finally I submitted. But in the status it is showing a lock symbol instead of pending. What is the meaning. Is it required to resubmit?
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If some one reviewing it then also lock symbol will come. no worries. No need to submit again.
I have paste a article from word pad and then before submitting I joined some line. Finally I submitted. But in the status it is showing a lock symbol instead of pending. What is the meaning. Is it required to resubmit?

just try to resubmit.
If you have used 'save' button, it will show locked symbol with the message, "Locked by Ram".
If so, click edit button to open the document and save again.

Meera sandhu
I have paste a article from word pad and then before submitting I joined some line. Finally I submitted. But in the status it is showing a lock symbol instead of pending. What is the meaning. Is it required to resubmit?

just try to resubmit.
If you have used 'save' button, it will show locked symbol with the message, "Locked by Ram".
If so, click edit button to open the document and save again.

Ok I am trying to resubmit.
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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Sorry Usha. the problem is solved and I have submit that successfully.
Please avoid creating multiple threads for your queries. Ask your doubts in the thread "Ask all your doubts here".

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