I have written a review so where can I see the status of that ?

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This will appear in your articles list in your profile once reviewed by admin. This section is in his personal supervision. Nothing to worry, you'll see it soon.

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This will appear in your articles list in your profile once reviewed by admin. This section is in his personal supervision. Nothing to worry, you'll see it soon.

Is this about article or review. Review is different from articles. That is a different section- Review of mobile phones, tourist places etc. If so, this will not be in articles section. This will be i Review section.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This will appear in your articles list in your profile once reviewed by admin. This section is in his personal supervision. Nothing to worry, you'll see it soon.

Is this about article or review. Review is different from articles. That is a different section- Review of mobile phones, tourist places etc. If so, this will not be in articles section. This will be i Review section.

This appears in article section of the particular member also once reviewed by admin. I think he is the only one who is looking after the review section.

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:) Don't worry Ram I also faced the same problem but after 4~5 days it was published and came in my article list.It would be better to PM admin at least once for it.Mine status was apperaing "rejected" but was published later. :)
:) Don't worry Ram I also faced the same problem but after 4~5 days it was published and came in my article list.It would be better to PM admin at least once for it.Mine status was apperaing "rejected" but was published later. :)

No need, as admin clarified on that thread that the glitch has been removed. Now it's taking only time until admin finds time to review this particular section.

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Moderators I want to know if I can write review on any cosmetic products or not.
Moderators I want to know if I can write review on any cosmetic products or not.

Please see 'Review' under 'Discover' icon at top of page. You may review only on restaurants, mobile phones and tourist destinations. There is no review on cosmetic products now. But you may write article on cosmetics and beauty treatment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

From what I can see , as of now there are only three options left for writing a review...Mobile phones, Tourist destinations and Restaurants...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

From what I can see , as of now there are only three options left for writing a review...Mobile phones, Tourist destinations and Restaurants...

I understand that these are the only options available since I joined---- in review category.

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Thank you said by: usha manohar
That means if approved then I can see in article section otherwise not.

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