Friends after the blast of atomic reactor and tsunami in Japan, it has been said that the axis of the earth has slightly changed. What were the consequences of that change on the living beings, on earth?
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After the blast, the infrastructure of Japan was severely damaged. Most recently, after the Tsunami, several nuclear reactors were damaged leading to the emission of nuclear radiations. It was estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches
Also, one GPS station moved 8 feet

I got this link

Though can't give more details now, i will try for sure. :) . It's true, I have read a similar article about nuclear blasts in 1945 though can't remember now.

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Mary
Due to change in axis of earth the continents will come closer and there will be lot of problems. Actually every day the earth is moving somewhat little bit which we cannot see. Some years back all continents are a single land but going on years it is divided in to seven continents.

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It has created a severe changes in global weather, seismic and volcanic activity.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I have read it some years back.......but can't remember now. Let me find and tell you later

Sandhya, in that case you should not have posted a reply here. This is equivalent to a spam post, I know you are not doing it intentionally but refrain from posting replies like this, Let me find out etc. I have seen many such posts from you and request you to not do it again!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Friends after the blast of atomic reactor and tsunami in Japan, it has been said that the axis of the earth has slightly changed. What were the consequences of that change on the living beings, on earth?

Devyani, the crust of the earth keeps on changing even when there is no major earthquake. The tectonic plates inside the earth's crust are always shifting, the force of winds, rains and forests etc. are also eroding the surfaces of mountains, etc. changing the course of rivers. The tsunami that occurred in Japan was indeed a massive one that displaced a number of tectonic plates and probably that may have caused a shift in the axis of the earth. As earth is globular in shape, with changes on its surface of a significant variety will cause the change in axis too.

Phew!!!! I just felt like writing a paper in Geology!! :lol:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar
I have read it some years back.......but can't remember now. Let me find and tell you later

Sandhya, in that case you should not have posted a reply here. This is equivalent to a spam post, I know you are not doing it intentionally but refrain from posting replies like this, Let me find out etc. I have seen many such posts from you and request you to not do it again!

My intention was not spamming.
I will take care hereafter... :)

Meera sandhu
I have read it some years back.......but can't remember now. Let me find and tell you later

Sandhya, in that case you should not have posted a reply here. This is equivalent to a spam post, I know you are not doing it intentionally but refrain from posting replies like this, Let me find out etc. I have seen many such posts from you and request you to not do it again!

My intention was not spamming.
I will take care hereafter... :)

I know it was not! No worries! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

[quote] After the blast, the infrastructure of Japan was severely damaged. Most recently, after the Tsunami, several nuclear reactors were damaged leading to the emission of nuclear radiations. It was estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches
Also, one GPS station moved 8 feet


The information's are very helpful to know about how nuclear reactors got damaged by Tsumami
If there is the change in the axis, the seasons would be different. As the tilt of the axis decreases, the changes in seasons would be less and less noticeable.

Sharmistha Banerjee
There would be climatic changes in that case and will ultimately effect different animals and plants.Here is the link which I found from Google:'s_climate_if_the_tilt_of_its_axis_became_less_than_23.5
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