Some people think that keeping their profile high and sound rude makes them look important. I don't feel so!
How do you think friends? Does it make a difference really?? People with soft attitude, low profile and not outspoken, have no value? Your take friends! Is it all about show business??

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Profile depends upon many condition like ,economic,social and culture and also education.
Many have showmanship but not actually.
If I tell about myself.....I will always remain the same...soft and friendly to everyone.... Whatever heights I reach.....I want to remain as 'Sandhya' only. Many often I have noticed, people talking a little, not friendly, rude, but reached success peaks are given more respect. But am most attracted to those, who remain so simple and friendly and never show off.

Meera sandhu
There are still those who may not appear rude but keep 'suggesting' things to others under the guise of helping. They too can be termed as high profile along with the ones who are rude! In the long run, people get tired of such people and distance themselves from them! So high or low, profile does not really matter much than from the fact whether you are reasonable, friendly and able to deal with others in a matured way!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't know what is high profile or low profile. I do things which I like but I never try to be rude to anyone.I know there are people who become rude but that's their nature we can't change it even they themselves can't change it.Its better to let them be what they are and us to go ahead in life without botheriing about them. :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Simple living and high thinking is good. I don't like people who boost almost on everything. May be they have money but they are not rich or does not belong to high society. They bluff to know every famous and prestigious people. They bluff their life style etc.
Today's world has become a show off.In every field we found that people are very daring.Polite person are treated the weak one.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Today's world has become a show off.In every field we found that people are very daring.Polite person are treated the weak one.

No its not the case people may get a short term success by being rude but hoensty and politeness is what still helpful for long term sucess.I know people most of the time consider them weak but they are mistaken actually those who think them weak are weak that's why don't apply it in their lives and pay for it somewhere sometime. :)
Today's world has become a show off.In every field we found that people are very daring.Polite person are treated the weak one.

Yes you are right but polite people generally are no fools, they always wait for their turn to turn the tables. Polite means who are big hearted and who know their business, not necessarily without a motto or unknown of the facts.

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Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
If one thinks negative way they can never reach high.They will never achieve their goals.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Every one has value. Profile should be just right- neither high nor low but should reflect reality. Soft attitude and courtesy are different from profile. These days, we have to sell ourselves. A product howsoever good needs advertising and publicity. similarly, humans are also products in employment market/ business and have to sell themselves. This may mean show business/ high profile.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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