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Next 10 days...holidays for my daughter :silly: :silly:
Full time I will be in thoughts how to keep her away from Chota Bheem and Kochu TV :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
:blush: S
Next 10 days...holidays for my daughter :silly: :silly:
Full time I will be in thoughts how to keep her away from Chota Bheem and Kochu TV :evil: :evil:

Sandya Madam, please keep an eye on your kids while they watch cartoon network. Kindly make ensure that kids dont watch the shows which contains adventures.

Born to express, not to impress.
My sister son always watching pogo tv. He is audicted for it.
These cartoon channels are not helping the kids. But they are entertaining the kids. By this kids will not irritate you.
Next 10 days...holidays for my daughter :silly: :silly:
Full time I will be in thoughts how to keep her away from Chota Bheem and Kochu TV :evil: :evil:

Thank God my kids don't insist on seeing cartoons but they like chchota bheem. But these days they like to play games on computer specially the bike race they don't even allow me to surf net when they want to play games. :evil:
Sakthi Maan serial was childrens favourite before cartoon networks starts its journey.
Some days before I saw an episode of Chota beem. Krishna and beem are friends.....
Krishna is in trouble and Bheem saves him.
How can it happen? Can you tell me please?
When such cartoons are misleading kids by telling them, super heroes are even above GOD, I think, they are doing a lot of harm to kids, playing with their immature mind.
So kids may assume in their mind...yes, super heroes are strong than God....also place them above God in their mind.
have you people ever think about it?

Meera sandhu
The cartoons remain in children's mind even in class room. Teacher may be correct. But this is correct about all activities. Even grandma's stories, magazine and quarrel with friends could distract kids from class room work. It is no use blaming cartoons. Instead teaching should be more interesting.

It's up to the parents to control the kids. A restricted viewing of TV or computer must be implemented.
Some days before I saw an episode of Chota beem. Krishna and beem are friends.....
Krishna is in trouble and Bheem saves him.
How can it happen? Can you tell me please?
When such cartoons are misleading kids by telling them, super heroes are even above GOD, I think, they are doing a lot of harm to kids, playing with their immature mind.
So kids may assume in their mind...yes, super heroes are strong than God....also place them above God in their mind.
have you people ever think about it?

May be seeing WWF has a bad impact on kids they learn how the wrestlers fight I have seen kids applying those bad techniques on other kids it may be dangerous. :blink:
Cartoons are favorite of many kids.They stick towards the TV when they watch cartoon.They even cannot hear their elders when they ask for some thing.So its good but not too good to watch whole day.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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