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Sharmistha, I wont agree, spirits and ghosts exists as God exists

its your opinion and it may differ from others.Even i too don't believe on ghosts and spirits. :blink:

I too am with you buddy, who is bigger than man himself. :evil: :evil:

That's true man has never allowed ghosts to stay on this earth that's why they remain invisible and don't show that they too exist. :woohoo:

Unhe kya marana hai bande se panga le ke? I mean they cannot be as powerful as men even if they exist .

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While we discuss about ghosts and evil spirits, there is a news of haunted house in Ludhiana. Please go through this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Not only in Ludhiana there is some places in Hyderabad where we can see some ghosts. As I read this in news paper.

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Not only in Ludhiana there is some places in Hyderabad where we can see some ghosts. As I read this in news paper.

I know this is allover the world, you can find thousands of such places which are declared haunted. But most of them have no reason for the same.

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Not only in Ludhiana there is some places in Hyderabad where we can see some ghosts. As I read this in news paper.

I know this is allover the world, you can find thousands of such places which are declared haunted. But most of them have no reason for the same.

Yes even I also have heard of lots of haunted houses.But certainly we don't know what is truth about them.People try to stay away from these places. :blink:
In America there are so many haunted houses,where ghosts live. There are many people who are affected with it.

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In America there are so many haunted houses,where ghosts live. There are many people who are affected with it.

Yesterday only I saw an episode of a haunted house on fear files in Mumbai. It is believed that the lady who got killed in the house her spirits still lives in there and does not allow any one to live in her house. :blink:
I never encountered any ghost and not met anyone who had met one.

But I know that there are 'aghori' sadhus and Tantriks who perform asome acts on dead bodies and acquire power from spirits. If there were no spirits and souls, nobody would waste time in such acts. Hence, there is possibility of spirits- good or evil.

There is a doubt regarding memory that is stored in brain. This is explained by the theory that physical body is outer cover of soul or spirit. This is physical body. There is another body inside which is inner clothing of soul. This is not physical and consists of all that is in physical body, including brain. Hence memory also goes with the inner body (called as sookhma Shareer)

But I am not an expert in such matters. So, I cannot say anything on this with certainty.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are no such creature like ghost and spirit.All are just our imagination.They just haunt in our mind.

Sharmistha Banerjee
There are no such creature like ghost and spirit.All are just our imagination.They just haunt in our mind.

How can be so sure? :blink:

Even I also have not seen any spirit or ghost but don't deny their existence may be they exist. :blink:
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