garlic What is the use of garlic and ginger. lets share start
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Garlic has many medical benefits, it helps patients of arthritis, gastric, hypertension and is a very good antitoxin.

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one garlic eaten with rice is good for the patient with arthritis.and ginger cures the cough.

Sharmistha Banerjee
one garlic eaten with rice is good for the patient with arthritis.and ginger cures the cough.

You mean it works well with rice only, Not with bread? Or other food materials.

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Thank you said by: Mary
Frequent use of raw Garlic will prevent you from Flu and cold.
Thank you said by: Mary
I think garlic can reduce our bp, cholesterol and weight.

Ginger is a best medicine for cough and cold. Dried ginger, if made coffee with karipetti and pepper (i don't know its English name...looks similar to jaggaery), is very good for cold, cough and fever

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Mary
Some persons cannot eat it with their foods because of different reasons. They ca use it in shape of tablets and capsules which are as effective.

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Garlic is supposed to be very good for reducing cholesterol levels ,of course this is a known fact is also a natural antibiotic , supposed to be as effective as pencillin...

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Garlic is a special medicine for heart. YOu know Lal bahadhoor sastri, he used to eat raw garlic every morning

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