It is very difficult to define success .For some it is money , wealth and achievements whereas for others it may be peace and happiness ..We come across people with lots of wealth and personal glory being extremely unhappy either because of their attitude or because their personal lives are in a mess...
So what does success mean to you ?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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I don't agree with what you have written. There are many people in this world who are successful but they are neither happy nor wealthy, etc.
Success means to achieve goal. When we have completed a particular planned and desired task and we reach our target without any failure, we become successful.
Success gives man happiness, wealth, money, property,power, luxury, family, goodwill, prestige and position. E.g. winning lottery.
On the other hand, success may make a person sorrow, lack of goodwill, looser, etc. Best e.g. is the war of Kalinga which was won by the King Ashoka, the great but finally became unhappy.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
I don't agree with what you have written. There are many people in this world who are successful but they are neither happy nor wealthy, etc.
Success means to achieve goal. When we have completed a particular planned and desired task and we reach our target without any failure, we become successful.
Success gives man happiness, wealth, money, property,power, luxury, family, goodwill, prestige and position. E.g. winning lottery.
On the other hand, success may make a person sorrow, lack of goodwill, looser, etc. Best e.g. is the war of Kalinga which was won by the King Ashoka, the great but finally became unhappy.

You are contradicting yourself - on the one hand you say you don't agree with what I have stated and go on to state the very same views ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Success means different to each person. Success may be defined as the extent to which one has attained goal. So, if a student has set his goal as mere pass in an exam, he is successful if he passes even with minimum marks. But if a student has set his goal at being at top in school, he is not perfectly successful if he gets second position.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Success means different to each person. Success may be defined as the extent to which one has attained goal. So, if a student has set his goal as mere pass in an exam, he is successful if he passes even with minimum marks. But if a student has set his goal at being at top in school, he is not perfectly successful if he gets second position.

Yes agreed with what you say ! But when people talk about being successful in life all the time, it seems like a tall claim because the very meaning of it changes from time to time.As you grow older and mature your definition of success is different to what it was when you were younger ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I agree meaning of success varies from people to people.For me success is happiness more than wealth.For me i should have money to suffice my and my family's basic needs otherewise it is what happiness which i always try to derive by anything. :blink:
Success is something that bring smile on your face.It is a result of your hard labor...It take you on the top and separate from other person....................
Achieving what we thought in our mind is called success.

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Achieving what we thought in our mind is called success.

Yes you are right a success might be thinking of our mind and done it in real is amazing....Nice picture you upload again sasi...............
Success means different to each person. Success may be defined as the extent to which one has attained goal. So, if a student has set his goal as mere pass in an exam, he is successful if he passes even with minimum marks. But if a student has set his goal at being at top in school, he is not perfectly successful if he gets second position.

Yes agreed with what you say ! But when people talk about being successful in life all the time, it seems like a tall claim because the very meaning of it changes from time to time.As you grow older and mature your definition of success is different to what it was when you were younger ...

I agree. Success is measured by the extent you have attained your objective. If you attained only half, your success is fifty percent. No doubt, goal does not remain the same. You may set new goals, new filed of action, revise the earlier goal. So, the measurement of success will change with fresh goal. However, the basic definition of success remains that this is the extent to which you have achieved your goal.

Success has nothing to do with morality. So, if a robber achieves his target of raising Rs. one million in a year and he in fact does so, he is successful. The definition is so exact that this may be reduced to mathematical formula:

S = A/ T where S = success, A = Achievement T= target or goal

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Success is something that bring smile on your face.It is a result of your hard labor...It take you on the top and separate from other person....................

Really a wonderful answer.
Yes, i agree we can't become success without hard labour. Even if we use wrong ways to achieve big successes we may not be happy or satisfied. Isn't it?

Even if we can't reach our expectations, if we are able to feel happy of what we have achieved through that hard work, it's nothing short a success.
Yes, i agree.....success is the happiness of mind :) :)

Meera sandhu
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