share about you to us? Are you kind or not?
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I believe that i am very kind hearted person. I am very calm person.
There are various people who have appreciated to have this quality in me.

Want to make each day Accountable

No , I am not.. I am little shy kind of nature.. after being good friend, I am very friendly and polite. ;)

Well everyone should try to be kind hearted with everyone. Isn't it?

Want to make each day Accountable

I think no body will reveal about this.Those who are not kind hearted will not say the truth.
I don't know if i am and i think no one can say it.Its others who can tell us that if we are kind or not. :blink:
I don't know if i am and i think no one can say it.Its others who can tell us that if we are kind or not. :blink:

We get to know about our self from other, most of times.

Want to make each day Accountable

I doubt if anyone is going to say no, because we all have our moments when we feel kindhearted towards others...I dont think that anyone can be kind all the time, depends on the circumstances !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I doubt if anyone is going to say no, because we all have our moments when we feel kindhearted towards others...I dont think that anyone can be kind all the time, depends on the circumstances !

There is no one in this world, who just features in one way.

Want to make each day Accountable

I doubt if anyone is going to say no, because we all have our moments when we feel kindhearted towards others...I dont think that anyone can be kind all the time, depends on the circumstances !

I don't fear to say NO because i have never been ca;;ed kind by anyone. :laugh:
I doubt if anyone is going to say no, because we all have our moments when we feel kindhearted towards others...I dont think that anyone can be kind all the time, depends on the circumstances !

I don't fear to say NO because i have never been ca;;ed kind by anyone. :laugh:

Then show them how much kind hearted you are !

Want to make each day Accountable

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